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In the editorial board of journal Pravnik, we strive to ensure that different areas of law are represented in individual issues of the magazine, while at the same time, the criteria for publication in an individual issue is also the topicality of the discussed topic.

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Number 5-6/2018

Criminal Proceedings against Črtomir Nagode and the Co-Accused

The author reviews the book ≫Criminal Proceedings against Črtomir Nagote
and the Co-Accused. Epilogue≪ by Mateja Jeraj and Jelka Melik

Number 7-8/2019

Unveiling of the Bust of Professor Evgeny Vasilyevich Spectorsky

The contribution is the speech delivered at the ceremony on April 15, 2019, during which the bust of Evgeniy Vasilyevich Spectorsky, a great thinker, lawyer, social philosopher and one of the most prominent professors of the University of Ljubljana Faculty of Law was unveiled.

Number 3-4/2020

The First One Hundred Years of the Slovenian Faculty of Law

The author describes the path that led to the founding of the Slovenian Law Faculty and briefly summarises its past work and the influence it had on the development of the Slovenian legal culture. He concludes with a vision of the future and tries to answer the question of what the legal studies will have to look like in the digital era.

Keywords: law faculty, Danilo Majaron, legal studies, law.


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