Criminal Proceedings against Črtomir Nagode and the Co-Accused

Pravnik, Ljubljana 2018, Vol. 73 (135), Nos. 5-6

The author reviews the book ≫Criminal Proceedings against Črtomir Nagote
and the Co-Accused. Epilogue≪ by Mateja Jeraj and Jelka Melik
The author reviews the book ≫Criminal Proceedings against Črtomir Nagote
and the Co-Accused. Epilogue≪ by Mateja Jeraj and Jelka Melik. The book was
published by the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia in 2017 as the second
part (the first one was published in 2015) and a sort of a concluding analysis
of a broad-based research of the so-called Nagode trial which was one of the
most notorious political trials in Slovenia. It was held against 15 intellectuals
in the summer of 1947 before the Supreme court of the Peoples’ Republic of
Slovenia. The accused believed that even in the post-war Yugoslavia political
pluralism could be established. The trial was an attempt of the Communist
party leadership to discipline the dissidents and at the same time to demonstrate,
on a rather drastic level, that the new government was not willing to
tolerate any opposition.

Key words: criminal trial, Črtomir Nagode, Archives of the Republic of Slovenia,
political trial, Supreme court, People’s Republic of Slovenia, Yugoslavia,
communist party, communism

Spletno naročilo edicije: Številka 5-6/2018


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