Writing Instructions


As a rule, The Jurist only publishes manuscripts which had neither been published nor sent for publication to any other publisher. If the author of an already published manuscript considers that special reasons for publishing the same manuscript in The Jurist exist, he/she must notify the editor and provide information on where the manuscript has already been published or to which publisher it has been sent for publication. The author has to emphasize the distinctions between the both manuscripts, e.g. in the scope of the manuscript, new information or new data and new sources. It is for the editorial board to decide whether the manuscript is suitable for publication. If the author repeats some of the findings already publicised in some other manuscript, it is only fair to the other publisher to state in the footnote that he/she has already discussed the issue and where the arguments could be found. The same goes vice versa, i.e. if the same arguments, already published in The Jurist, are used in another manuscript, it has to be stated that the matter has already been discussed in The
Jurist and in which issue. If the manuscript has been prepared on the basis of another text, i.e. a text prepared for another purpose (doctoral thesis, master’s thesis, research etc.), this fact has to be noted in footnote 1 of the manuscript.


Manuscripts should be sent in electronic format to the following e-mail address:

Manuscripts have to be grammatically correct, otherwise the manuscript may be returned to the author or its publication rejected. The title of the manuscript should be written in bold capital letters. The titles in the body of the manuscript
should be numbered and written in capital letters; subtitles should be numbered and written in bold lower case letters.

The first and last name of the author, with the scientific and/or academic title, function, and institution of his/her employment should be mentioned below the main title of the manuscript. 

Example: John Smith, LL.B., doctor of laws, professor at the Faculty of Law, University of Ljubljana


The author may suggest the classification for his/her manuscript. The final decision on publication is made by the editorial board upon a positive doubleblind peer review. To facilitate this review process, the author should remove any identifiable information in the body of the manuscript from the version submitted for review, and should inform the editorial board of the names of any experts who would for any reason, such as collaboration or previous familiarity with the manuscript, be unable to conduct a blind review. The author shall be informed of the decision on the publication as well as a possible request for revision, along with the (anonymized) explanation of the reviewer.

Manuscripts should be accompanied by an abstract and up to five key words, both in Slovenian and English. The cost of preparing the Slovenian abstract (EUR 30.00) may be deducted from the potential author’s fee if provided by the editorial board upon request of the author. Abstract should not be longer than 15 lines (or span more than one paragraph), and should include the last name (in capital letters) and first name of the author as well as the title of the manuscript in the corresponding language. The editor will add the information on the volume and issue of The Jurist, and the numbers of pages of the published manuscript.

Example: SMITH, John: Pravna sredstva v civilnem procesnem pravu, Pravnik, Ljubljana 2008, let. 63, št. 1–3
… (15 lines of abstract and 5 key words in Slovenian language)

SMITH, John: Legal Remedies in the Civil Procedural Law, Pravnik, Ljubljana 2008, Vol. 63, Nos. 1–3.
… (15 lines of abstract and 5 key words in English language)

The Jurist publishes manuscripts in Slovenian but also in selected other languages (English, German, Italian, Croatian and in Serbian – Latin script), when there is a special reason to do so. The later has to be communicated to the editorial board, which decides on the publication of the manuscript in the suggested language. Manuscript in a foreign language has to be grammatically correct. The editorial board does not perform corrections. In addition to the short (15-line) abstract with five key words in Slovenian and English, the manuscript must also be accompanied with a longer abstract (of 1.000 words) in Slovenian.


The scope of the manuscript depends on its subject. One of the basic aims of the journal is to cover all fields of law. Under headings "Articles” and "Discussions” the manuscript should not be longer than 10.000 words, i.e. approximately 30 pages with 1.5 spacing between the lines. Other manuscripts should not be longer than 5.000 words, i.e. approximately 15 pages with 1.5 spacing between the lines. Footnotes and the bibliography count towards this limit. An advance agreement with the editor is required for longer manuscripts. 


Bibliography should be presented at the end of the manuscript, with full bibliographical information, in the alphabetical order of the last names of the authors/editors. Consulted internet sites should be enumerated separately. In the footnotes only the first letter of the first name and the last name with the "op. cit.”, and exact page should be mentioned.

Example: J. Smith, op. cit., p. 55.

In case the same author is represented with more than one publication, the year is added in parentheses.

Example: J. Smith, op. cit. (2009), p. 55.

If in the footnotes immediately following the previous one the same source is cited again, "Ibidem” should be used, with the page number(s) added if distinct from the previous one.

Example: Ibidem.
Example: Ibidem, p. 56.

Footnotes are inserted after the separator, e.g. after a full-stop. Footnotes end with a separator, e.g. with a full-stop. It is not necessary to cite the date of accessing the internet site (this information is in the list of sources at the end of
the manuscript). In short presentations where there is no list of sources and literature at the end of the manuscript, in the footnote first mentioning the author and the publication full bibliographical information should be cited. The same rule should be applied in the longer abstract.


Full bibliographical information should comprise:

• Books: First and last name of the author, book title (also the number of the edition, if applicable), translator (if applicable), publisher, place and year of publication.

Example: John Smith: Legal Remedies in the civil procedural law. 2nd Edition, translation Janez Novak, Legal publishing, Ljubljana 2010.

Collection of articles or parts of books: next to the author, title and exact pages of the article or the book part, also the title of the collection/book, first and last names of authors or editor(s) (marked Ed. or Eds.) should be mentioned.

Example: John Smith: Legal Remedies in the civil procedural law, in: Janez
Novak, Maja Medved (Eds.), Civil procedural law. Legal publishing,
Ljubljana, 2010, p. 52–79.

If there are more than three authors or editors, it suffices to cite the first one mentioned, followed by the abbreviation "et. al.”.

Example: John Smith: Legal Remedies in the Civil Procedural Law, in: Janez Novak et.al., Civil procedural law. Legal publishing, Ljubljana 2010, p. 52–79.

• Journal articles: First and last name of the author, title of the article, name of the journal with citing the volume number, year of publishing, issue number, and pages of the article.

Example: John Smith: Legal Remedies in the civil procedural law, in: Pravnik, 127 (2010) 5-8, p. 202–233.
The numbers represent Volume 127 (year 2010) issue number 5-8.

• Internet sites: inequality signs (< and >) before and after citing the internet site, no hyperlink, with the date in parentheses.

Example: (5/5/2010).


If legislative act or other legal text is being cited, it should be accompanied with the full title in the body of the manuscript, with an official abbreviation in parentheses.

Example: As regulated in the Pension and Invalidity Insurance Act (PIIA).

If there is no official abbreviation one (possibly settled) abbreviation should be given by the author.

Example: As regulated in the Pension and Invalidity Insurance Act (hereafter PIIA).

At the same time in the footnote the place of publication (usually Official Gazette) of the legislative act or other legal text should be cited.

Example: 10 Official Gazette RS, No. 106/99.



Judicial decisions should be cited as marked by the issuing court of law.

Example: Case C-228/07 Petersen [2008] ECR I-6989, para. 42. 


Upon agreement to have ther article published, authors have to send the following data to the editorial board: tax number and tax authority, full address, address for sending materials regarding the publication of the contribution (for example the address at work), bank account number, full name of the bank, phone and/or mobile phone number, e-mail address. Potential changes of these data should be notified to the editorial board.

By sending his/her manuscript, the author agrees with the provisions of the publishing contract provided at . The editorial board may explain those provisions and/or provide an English translation upon request. After the publication of the manuscript the author will receive two copies of the publishing (copy-rights) contract and should return one signed copy as soon as possible. Authors are kindly requested to follow these guidelines. Otherwise the publication of the manuscript may be rejected.

For the Editorial Board
Editor in Chief
Dragica Wedam Lukić, Ph.D., Professor

Revija Pravnik

Pravna fakulteta Univerze v Ljubljani, Poljanski nasip 2, 1000 Ljubljana
Tel.: 01/ 42 03 113 | Fax: 01/ 42 03 115 | GSM: 031/859 975 | E-mail: pravnik@revija-pravnik.si

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