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In the editorial board of journal Pravnik, we strive to ensure that different areas of law are represented in individual issues of the magazine, while at the same time, the criteria for publication in an individual issue is also the topicality of the discussed topic.

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Number 9-10/2022

Is the Slovenian Long-term Care Act Legally Enforceable?

The article summarises the discussion of the Society for Labour Law and Social Security on the legal concerns raised by the implementation of the Slovenian Long-Term Care Act. The majority opinion was that the Long-Term Care Act contains a number of legal gaps, legal deficiencies and legally inadequate pro- visions. Given the large number of amendments and additions needed to the Act, it would be necessary to adopt a new law on long-term care as soon as possible, which would regulate this area in a comprehensive and legally correct manner.

Key words: long-term care, Long Term Care Act, the Slovenian Association of Labour Law and Social Security.


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