Is the Slovenian Long-term Care Act Legally Enforceable?

Pravnik, Ljubljana 2022, Vol. 77 (139), Nos. 9-10

The article summarises the discussion of the Society for Labour Law and Social Security on the legal concerns raised by the implementation of the Slovenian Long-Term Care Act. The majority opinion was that the Long-Term Care Act contains a number of legal gaps, legal deficiencies and legally inadequate pro- visions. Given the large number of amendments and additions needed to the Act, it would be necessary to adopt a new law on long-term care as soon as possible, which would regulate this area in a comprehensive and legally correct manner.

Key words: long-term care, Long Term Care Act, the Slovenian Association of Labour Law and Social Security.

Spletno naročilo edicije: Številka 9-10/2022


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