The article
presents the adoption of the Code of Ethics for Deputies of the National Assembly. Codes of conduct
for members of parliaments are in place in several European and non-European
countries and only differ with regard to the approaches taken in their formulation and integration into legal rules or
acts. Although various institutions have been drawing attention to the neces-
sity of adopting ethical rules for many years,
the Code of Ethics for Deputies of the National Assembly was only adopted this year. The Code was discussed by the Council
of the President of the National Assembly
on 12 June 2020 and
adopted by more than a two-thirds majority vote. The Code mandates a soci- ally
acceptable conduct of deputies as representatives of the people. It is a set of principles that the deputies must adhere to, such as reputation and integrity, loyalty, justice and fairness, responsibility, dignity and respect. Any violation thereof is discussed by the
Council of the President of the National Assembly,
which may also impose sanctions on the deputies violating the Code.
integrity, ethics,
code of ethics,
ethnical rules and principles, deputies, National Assembly.