From the content

In the editorial board of journal Pravnik, we strive to ensure that different areas of law are represented in individual issues of the magazine, while at the same time, the criteria for publication in an individual issue is also the topicality of the discussed topic.

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Number 9-10/2015

Pure Theory of Law as a Challenge

The main issues of the legal theory are: what gives validity to the law, where does it derive from, and what is its foundation (ultimate or supreme legal norm, which gives it the validity). These questions have been dealt with also by Hans Kelsen and his circle, among whom was also Leonid Pitamic. Academic Marijan Pavčnik’s book Pure theory of law as a challenge is a display of some of Pitamic’s concerns, ideas, thoughts and objections, which highlight some aspects of development of pure theory of law and Pitamic’s contribution and surplus in it.

Number 7-8/2018

The Importance of the Reasoning of a Decision Through the Example of the Supreme Court’s Decision in the “Second-Railway-Track” Case

The aim of the article is to draw the attention to the importance of clear, structured,
and logically coherent reasoning of legal decisions. It is not only the final
decision that is important, but also the line of argumentation that has led the
decision maker to reach such a decision

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