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Number 3-4/2023

50 Years of Legal Informatics in Slovenia

Although the first legal information system projects already existed in Yugo- slavia (RSPOUP), it was not until the introduction of a free business initiative and the development of personal computers that the conditions for effective assistance to lawyers in their work were created. During the pioneering period, the Computer Science Section of the Society of Business Lawyers took the lead by organising "Lawyer and Computer” courses and an annual computer work- shop as part of the Days of Slovenian Jurists in Portorož. The turning point was the professionalisation of legal informatics with the establishment of IUS SOFTWARE company and its legal information system IUS-INFO, as well as by the introduction of the Legal Informatics course at law faculties in Ljubljana and Maribor. The quality of all types of legal texts has been significantly im- proved over the last two decades with artificial intelligence modules, which will serve as the legal basis for all future modernisation and efficiency gains.

Key words: informatics, information system, artificial intelligence, computer, society, jurist, law faculty.


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