The Importance of the Disposal Right for Transactions with Ownership Right on Real Estate
The purpose of this paper is to explain the importance of the disposal right for valid and legally effective transactions with ownership right on real estate. The disposal right is a legal possibility (entitlement) of the holder of the right to dispose of this right in a certain way.
How the Legal Rules, Implementing the Principle of Confidence in the Land Register, Protect Fair, Bona Fide Acquirer
The principle of confidence in the land register states that those who in the legal traffic handle fairly and rely on the information on the rights, which are entered in the land register, may not suffer adverse consequences. The principle protects bona fide acquirer in all business acquisitions, regardless of whether prerequisite for the acquisition is a legal transaction (permit for land registry entry) of the (registered) owner or legal transaction concluded independently of the will of the owner in the case of forced sale.