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In the editorial board of journal Pravnik, we strive to ensure that different areas of law are represented in individual issues of the magazine, while at the same time, the criteria for publication in an individual issue is also the topicality of the discussed topic.

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Number 11-12/2015

Interpretativeness of the Constitution and Laws

The constitution is not only, with regard to its content, the fundamental legal act regulating the basic rights, the basic legal principles and the organization of the state. It is important that it is also the basic procedural act enabling the state community to function. It is in the nature of any legal act, and especially of the constitution, that its content is not automatically preshaped in such a definite manner that it only had to be applied. 

Number 7-8/2017

Time-Dependence of the Interpretation of Law

It is in the nature of law that it is prospective. The key issue is how to reinforce the predictability of statutes when deciding cases that took place in the past. There are four basic approaches (with their corresponding transformations) at the judge’s disposal, which are known as subjectivist-static, subjectivist-dynamic, objectivist-static and objectivist-dynamic interpretations.

Number 7-8/2023

On the Tradition of Legal Science

The contribution is the author’s commemorative address marking the 103rd anniversary of the University of Ljubljana Faculty of Law. The author leaned on the tradition of jurisprudence, while being aware that we should not cling to tradition convulsively and stand still. We must start from tradition, correct it and supplement it. If necessary, due to new insights and new circumstances, we must also transcend it and diverge from traditional pathways. Central to the contribution is the idea that constitution, laws and other normative acts cannot be implemented automatically. It is always a matter of first understan- ding these acts and only then deciding how to implement them in concrete cases. Behind every responsible legal decision-making is the knowledge that even minor value nuances and new minor factual circumstances can influence our perception of what the elements of legal reasoning mean and how they in- terrelate. If this is correct, interpretation and justification (argumentation) are necessary and constant companions of legal decision-making. The meaning of legal understanding is, volens nolens, shared. It can only be achieved and dee- pened through a collaborative effort between the theory (philosophy) of law and individual positive legal sciences.

Key words: nature of law, interpretability of law, analogy in law, study of law, separation of powers, rule of law (Rechtsstaat).


Number 3-4/2022

Lighthouse. The Ups and Downs of a Poetic Jurist

The book is a distinctive autobiographical work penned by the author upon the suggestion of editor Tadeja L. Zupan for Chiara Publishing. The subtitle of the book, which is included in the "Personal” book series, is "Falls and Re- coveries of a Poetic Lawyer”. Pavliha is a sincere advocate for a values-based understanding of the world and life. This perspective characterises almost the entire book. Among the fundamental values, he includes "humanity, non-vio- lence, the golden rule, and justice”. Pavliha is convinced that when one "repro- grammes the algorithms of one’s own ethical and moral autopilot,” they will become a better person. At that time, "humanity will more easily survive and ascend to a higher level of development”. Together with Slovenian poet France Prešeren and his Zdravljica, let me add that this level can only be found by those who harbour good intentions in their hearts.

Key words: spirituality, materialistic belief, sanctity of life, humanity, ethos, supreme ethics, law, natural law.


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