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In the editorial board of journal Pravnik, we strive to ensure that different areas of law are represented in individual issues of the magazine, while at the same time, the criteria for publication in an individual issue is also the topicality of the discussed topic.

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Number 1-2/2019

The Law of Adoption in India: A Critical Analysis

Adoption is a process that impacts the life of a child and changes it completely. It has great implications. Hence, while dealing with the process of adoption, the sole criteria should be the welfare of the child. 

Number 11-12/2019

Female Genital Mutilation and its Non-Relation with Islam


Number 3-4/2021

Women in Islam

The Holy Quran has categorically specified the rights of a Muslim woman, leav- ing no scope for speculations or misinterpretations. For a practicing Muslim, the Quran and the Hadiths lay down the model chosen by God for the people and this is not subject to change. However, the truth is far from all this propa- ganda against Muslims. Islam is what the Quran says it is. The Holy Quran was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad at a time when the Arab world had gone astray and immorality was widely spread across the Arab nations. When women were not given their due and female babies were being buried alive, Muhammad came with a code that emancipated women like never before and raised her status so high that paradise lies at her feet. The Holy Quran and the Hadiths of the Noble Prophet have given innumerable rights to women, grant- ing protection to their family life as well as their public life.

Key words: Koran, Muhammad, women, woman, rights, Hadiths.


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