The World Ethos Project and Euthanasia
Pravnik, Ljubljana 2019, Vol. 74 (136), Nos. 5-6
Avtor: HRIBAR, Tine
The author of the project „World Ethos" is Catholic priest Hans Küng. commitment to world ethos is necessary according to Küng for three reasons: first, there is no world peace without religious peace; second, there is no peace between religions without dialogue between religions; and third, there is no survival of humanity without a world ethos. The four fundamental, i.e. the pre-values of the world ethos, are the sanctity of life, the sanctification of the dead, the dignity of man, and the golden rule of ethics.
The author of the project „World Ethos" is Catholic priest Hans Küng. commitment to world ethos is necessary according to Küng for three reasons: first, there is no world peace without religious peace; second, there is no peace between religions without dialogue between religions; and third, there is no survival of humanity without a world ethos. The four fundamental, i.e. the pre-values of the world ethos, are the sanctity of life, the sanctification of the dead, the dignity of man, and the golden rule of ethics. Küng rejects any exaltation of suffering. Not to seek suffering, but to endure it unless otherwise possible. Notwithstanding, the best of all would be: „We should not only endure suffering but fight it". Even with euthanasia. In euthanasia, as a dignified death, the last breath of human dignity, Küng therefore sees not the opposite of faith, but its full life experience. A worthy end to life on Earth. Regarding their own life and death everyone should decide for themselves and only for themselves. Autonomous, voluntary and conscientiously. Euthanasia is not about the right to death, which is in any case inevitable, but about the abolition of unfair prohibition of forcing into suffering, which is not inevitable.
Key words: world ethos, religious peace, life, death, euthanasia, freedom of conscience, suffering.