The New Commentary on the General Provisions of the Obligations Code

Pravnik, Ljubljana 2020, Vol. 75 (137), Nos. 9-10

The article is a review of the work "Obligations, the General Provisions: A Com- mentary on the General Provisions of the Obligations Code”, which was pub- lished this November. Dr. Nina Plavšak edited and authored the commentary, along with the co-authors prof. dr. Miha Juhart and prof. dr. Renato Vrenčur. As opposed to being conventionally divided based on the Code’s articles, the commentary’s texts have been arranged into consolidated sections of material, which follow the systematics of the Code’s general provisions. The volume in- cludes a comprehensive commentary on the Code’s general provisions—rang- ing from the prerequisites to formation of an obligational relationship, classi- fied according to legal bases, to the various sets of legal facts, which cause the extinguishment of an obligation and those which cause changes to creditors and obligors. Following are chapters on the general provisions’ specific frame- works for certain types of obligations (Monetary obligations, Obligations with multiple performances (objects) and Obligations with multiple creditors and debtors), and finally, two chapters out of the Code’s specific contracts volume (Surety and Payment Order (Assignation)).

Keywords: civil law, law of obligations, general provisions of the law of obligations, commentary on the general provisions of the Obligations Code.

Spletno naročilo edicije: Številka 9-10/2020


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