On the History and Development of the Sherman Act
Pravnik, Ljubljana 2017, Vol. 72 (134), Nos. 11-12
The article portrays the development of the US antitrust law and policy. Through the scope of the interpretative development of the Sherman Act, the author aims at defining the original historical goals of the world’s first modern codification of competition law.
The article portrays the development of the US antitrust law and policy. Through the scope of the interpretative development of the Sherman Act, the author aims at defining the original historical goals of the world’s first modern codification of competition law. In his view, the main goals of the Sherman Act were thus the dispersion of concentrations of economic power and the prevention of their disastrous influence on the democratic processes in the society. The author underscores that, in his opinion, the modern regulatory framework of competition law should be interpreted through the scope of the original ideas of the founders of American antitrust as they can still stand as an important cornerstone in the process of protection of the democratic ideals in the society.