In the Memory of Academician Jože Mencinger

Pravnik, Ljubljana 2022, Vol. 77 (139), Nos. 1-2

Jože Mencinger was a man with a capital letter: prudent, respectful, kind. As a public intellectual, he presented himself in public with firm and clear posi- tions; he could tell the truth as it is in a precise but conciliatory way, always focused on the matter, not the person. His views were professionally impec- cable and entirely honest. Professional or political opportunism was foreign and unacceptable to him. We will miss his weighty words, his gentle irony, his firmness, uprightness and honesty.

Key words: obituary, in memoriam, Jože Mencinger, economy, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Law, dean.

Spletno naročilo edicije: Številka 1-2/2022


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