Association of the Slovenian Jurists Societies with a Partly New Management Team
Pravnik, Ljubljana 2020, Vol. 75 (137), Nos. 5-6
New president of the Association of the
Slovenian Jurists Societies is a pro- fessor at the University of Ljubljana
Faculty of Law Miha Juhart, PhD. Vice-
-president remains the same as before, Franci
Gerbec, as well as its Secretary General, Boštjan Koritnik. The new Treasurer instead of the late Vida Šibenik is Branka Neffat. The former President Lojze Ude, PhD, who lead the Associa- tion for 16 years, was declared
Honourable President.
Keywords: Association of the Slovenian Jurists
Societies, president, vice-president, secretary general, treasurer.