The judge in Justinian's Digest

Pravnik, Ljubljana 2016, Vol. 71 (133), special issue

As the true pillar of the Roman legal civilization, the role of the judges has featured more prominently in the texts of the Justinian's compilation as their duties grew and diversified. 
As the true pillar of the Roman legal civilization, the role of the judges has featured more prominently in the texts of the Justinian's compilation as their duties grew and diversified. Their performance of their office allows one to distinguish the good judges from the bad. The former, combining personal qualities and intellectual faculties, carried out their tasks efficiently and impartially. By his rigor, a good judge will gain the respect of his fellow citizens. In contrast, negligence and incompetence characterize the latter. Inept or distracted, and sometimes corrupt judges should incur penalties when they voluntarily issue an unjust sentence. The aim of this contribution is to pay tribute to the jurists of the classical period, for their maxims are truly eternal.

Spletno naročilo edicije: Številka 2016-Special issue


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