The Concept of Childhood from Islam-Ottoman Law to Turkish Law As an Early Majority State: Early Age Marriages

Pravnik, Ljubljana 2015, Vol. 70 (132), Nos. 11-12

The study deals with the legal development of the concept of majority which expresses the completion of childhood in the former, religion-based Ottoman Law dating back to four generations and modern Turkish Law. 
The study deals with the legal development of the concept of majority which expresses the completion of childhood in the former, religion-based Ottoman Law dating back to four generations and modern Turkish Law. Within the scope of the study, legal development of the concept of majority which express the end of childhood both in the previous Turkish Law and Turkish Modern Law is dealt with by way of predicating upon the definition of childhood in the Children’s Right Convention. Legal and cultural grounds of early age marriages constitute the focus of this study.

Spletno naročilo edicije: Številka 11-12/2015


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