Sustainable Development and Slovenian Energy Law

Pravnik, Ljubljana 2018, Vol. 73 (135), Nos. 9-10

The author researches the legal nature and content of the sustainable development
principle in the energy sector as it is regulated in the Slovenian legal
order, with emphasis on the regulation in Energy Act (EZ-1). 
The author researches the legal nature and content of the sustainable development
principle in the energy sector as it is regulated in the Slovenian legal
order, with emphasis on the regulation in Energy Act (EZ-1). The notion of sustainable
development in the Republic of Slovenia is semantically open which
causes its content to be defined especially by nonbinding international documents.
It is a meta-principle from which numerous basic principles of energy
law stem and which is expressed in several subfields that are regulated by the
legislation in the energy sector, among other renewables, energy efficiency and
biofuels. The present arrangement is, indeterminacy of the notion of sustainable
development notwithstanding, generally appropriate and comparable to
regulations in other European Union member states. It is however possible to
blame the legislator for certain minor inconsistencies, especially regarding the
introduction of the cost efficiency principle.

Keywords: sustainable development, energy law, meta-principle, Energy Act.

Spletno naročilo edicije: Številka 9-10/2018


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