Internet Voting as a Future Challenge in Comparison to Traditional Voting
Pravnik, Ljubljana 2017, Vol. 72 (134), Nos. 3-4
Avtor: KANIŽAR, Rastislav
Different forms and methods of public elections have been affected mostly by social economic and technologic development in time. The more the society progressed, the more the methods of voting accommodated and carried with themselves more and more problems in their use.
Different forms and methods of public elections have been affected mostly by social economic and technologic development in time. The more the society progressed, the more the methods of voting accommodated and carried with themselves more and more problems in their use. Due to certain methods of voting that have been lately incorporated into voting systems, traditional voting is not any more the crucial condition for performing the right to vote. More and more voters, especially in early voting, do not even come to the physical poll, they send the ballot by mail. Some states even introduced voting by mail as the main method for both elections and voting at referendums. The traditional way of voting has become merely an extraordinary option. In the era of fast technologic development, especially information and communication technology, many states have started introducing internet voting and other forms of remote voting, which do not require the voters to visit the traditional poll on the poll day. Due to the use of these technologies as voting aids also the carrying out of the right to vote is gaining a different safety essence and form, which influence their legal regulation. The challenge is not any more individual but is becoming technologically systematic and constitutional. Due to »infected« electronic ballot we can question the validity of all cast votes on such a machine or even of all votes at the poll, and at internet voting even of the elections themselves, when it is the overwhelming way of voting.