Impact of Fiscal Balance Act and Act Amending the Health Care and Health Insurance Act on Financing of Complementary Health Insurance

Pravnik, Ljubljana 2016, Vol. 71 (133), Nos. 5-6

Complementary health insurance in the Republic of Slovenia has been subject of critiques for many years. In the same period it has also been on the agenda of the legislator which has been promising structural reforms in the field of financing of health care for almost a decade.
Complementary health insurance in the Republic of Slovenia has been subject of critiques for many years. In the same period it has also been on the agenda of the legislator which has been promising structural reforms in the field of financing of health care for almost a decade. Despite all the promises and intentions, since the Act Amending the Health Care and Health Insurance Act (HCHIA-H) there has not been any significant change in the field. Only two acts are worth mentioning: Fiscal Balance Act and Act Amending the Health Care and Health Insurance Act (HCHIA-M). In 2012, Fiscal Balance Act removed the provision of HCHIA laying down a prior written approval for raising the complementary health insurance premium in the period of its duration. One year later, the Act Amending the HCHIA-M removed the provision of HCHIA, which obliged the providers of complementary health insurance with a recovery of one half of the profit from complementary health insurance activity back to the management of this activity. In light of EU law, the article analyses both legislative amendments which are a consequence of a lawsuit before EU Court of Justice and raises concerns over the appropriateness of Slovenian defence and both legislative amendments by which Slovenia abolished the provisions.

Key words: complementary health insurance, free movement of capital, proportionality, authorized actuary, Fiscal Balance Act, Act Amending the Health Care and Health Insurance Act

Spletno naročilo edicije: Številka 5-6/2016


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