France Bučar (1923–2015): Doyen of Slovenian Politics, Father of Slovenian Constitution and Nestor of Administrative Science
Pravnik, Ljubljana 2019, Vol. 74 (136), Nos. 7-8
Avtor: ŠTEMBERGER, Katja
Dr France Bučar, a Slovenian lawyer and politician, is considered one of the most prominent figures in the Slovenian region. He was the president of the first democratically elected parliament, one of the authors of the Slovenian constitution and president of the Slovenian Pan-European Movement.
Dr France Bučar, a Slovenian lawyer and politician, is considered one of the most prominent figures in the Slovenian region. He was the president of the first democratically elected parliament, one of the authors of the Slovenian constitution and president of the Slovenian Pan-European Movement. In addition, he made a significant contribution to the development of administrative science in Slovenia. The article chronologically discusses the life and career path of Dr Bučar, which is torn between political and academic (as well as publicists) activity and presents some of his most important works in the field of administrative science as well as in other fields.
Keywords: France Bučar, Lawyer, Politician, Publicist, Academic, Father of the Slovenian Constitution, Nestor of Administrative Science.